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Friday, November 6, 2009

Butterfly - Nicaragua


Nicaragua is the largest country of Central America. It borders Costa Rica and Honduras. Managua is the capital of this latin country.Nicaragua has some spectacular nature. There is a wide variety of landscapes and habitats that allow for many different types of vegetation and animal species to thrive. For the nature lovers, Nicaragua has a lot to offer. Rainforest is still present in Nicaragua. Although shrinking, the rainforest has been left relatively untouched.

In Nicaragua it is estimated that there are roughly 600 species of butterfly. There is a reserve area for butterfly with a calm and serene environment enclosing the area. It is just four kilometers from Granada. In the reserve farm we can learn more about species while watching the colourful species. The garden has many different species. We can easily see the morpho peleides-the big blue, orange, yellow fauna. We can see them while strolling through the farm even from a little distance.

A guide can also be hired who can tell us more facts about these beautiful creatures. The reserve authority chose with much care, the plants for the peaceful habitation of the butterfly and to increase/enrich the environment itself, thereby give out a colorful and friendly atmosphere to the walkers-by

There is a cost for visiting the reserve form which we can get known at that area. The park is open to public from 0800 to 0400 pm upto Saturday.

Hereunder I post a beautiful sheet let of butterfly.

1. Sheet - four rows left to right all at the rate 1.50 == 1994 Hong Kong

Callicore Patelia    Chlosyne Narva      Anteos Maerula       Marpesia petreus
pierella helvitia      kurytides epidaus    epidanus heliconios   doris symrna blomfidio
eveides lybia olympia     adelpha heraclea Heliconious   hecale zuleika    parides montesuma
morpha polyphemus     eresia alsina prepona     omphale octavia    murpho granadensis

2. Registered Post cover real posted to me [ stamps not full set]

Three stamps of 9.00 each left to right

Caligo atreus dionysos    Morph amaronte Eryphanis    Polyxera locomedon

3. Set of four used stamps : - two rows - left to right

050 - Dynamina Myrrhina          120 - Eunica alcmena
150 - Callizona acesta               300 - Parides Iphidancas


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